Week 641: “Folding” by Abimaro

“Fold me into you” – the opening line Abimaro’s strikingly beautiful “Folding” is a simple but powerful line. It’s hard to think of a better love than the kind you can fold yourself into.

The kind of love that, at the end of a difficult day, you can just fold up into and be healed.

And that love doesn’t need to be romantic either; if you’ve ever folded yourself into the arms of a parent, or a sibling, or even a particularly cuddly dog, you know the feeling evoked by that first line. It’s spooning, but levelled up. Making two bodies into a paper plane made from two sheets of paper, and flying off to sleep together.

I’m a bit tired, so I’m going to leave it there before my metaphors get too clumsy and start folding in on themselves.

What makes this a beautiful song:

1. The guitar part, mostly in dyads, carries the same nostalgic, lamenting vibe as Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car.”

2. The hummed chorus. The presence of other voices prevents the song from sounding too lonely.

3. The first line is great, but the lyrics stay strong beyond the opening, with lines like “wrap my words around your body,” and “pull my corners gently through.”

Recommended listening activity:

Turning off your alarm before going to sleep.
